Tag Archives: self portrait

We are our biggest critic

It’s hard to be inside my head all the time. It’s one failure after another. One trip-up, another insult, another downplay. Every so often I get to say something nice to myself. Every so often I feel like I’m moving forward; accomplishing another goal. Reaching another plateau. Sometimes it lasts a couple of months then I hit a wall and fall with gravity. I can’t help to be so critical. So many chances. So many doors. So many failures (it’s all my fault). So many disappointments (can’t blame anyone else). But where would I be if these didn’t happen? It’s definitely a question I come back to. I could be famous. I could be touring with music artists. Teaching all over the world. Acting in plays/movies. Become a scientist. The possibilities were endless. The discipline, non existent. So where do I end up next?
